
Getting Dressed for a big Event

If you are like me, then an invitation to a wedding or a party gives you two emotions. The first of course is excitement, but the second is sheer anxiety based on the question of “Wtf am I going to wear?” Getting an outfit together for a big event can be very stressful but here are my tips on how to ease the stress and find the perfect look.

1. Read the invite 

Making sure you understand the details of the event is key when deciding what to wear. Dressing for an afternoon tea party is much different than dressing for a party at a night club. Keeping in mind the time, location, and details of the event will help you choose the perfect outfit.

2. Raid your closet and try different things on 

There is no better way to help you choose what to wear by actually going into your closet and trying on different outfits. Having options in your mind is good but actually seeing the options will help you narrow down the best one. You can put the outfit on to see how it looks on your body and get a real feel for what you’re wearing or you can lay out the clothes on your bed to see what you have to work with. Getting a preliminary visual of the outfit will help you decide what works best, as opposed to just throwing something together on the night of the big event.

3. Take pictures

Taking a selfie to see if your outfit photographs well is a great way to decide what to wear. If it looks good on camera, then it is definitely suitable for your big event.

4. Ask for advice 

We all have a friend, colleague , or fashionista that we look up to for fashion advice and getting a second opinion never does any harm. Just like asking your friend in a store if your butt looks big in these jeans, asking someone what they would wear to the event will help you decide on your own outfit. Seek out your trusted fashion adviser and ask for their opinion on what to wear to the particular event.

So there you have it, my tips on getting ready for a big event. Tomorrow I will be attending the launch of a new Toronto magazine entitled Novella, and it was definitely difficult finding an outfit. I’m still not 100% decided, but when I am I will post a picture of my look! Hope you found this post helpful and best of luck getting dressed, make good choices!

Stay fabulous,



Body, Fashion

Working with what you got: Do’s and Don’ts

I am a firm believer in the expression “Everybody is beautiful in their own way”. Just like beauty is in the eye of the beholder, ‘ugly’ is as well. But ugly isn’t on the surface. Ugly is something on the inside. Everybody has a different body type and every one of those body types is beautiful. Whoever decided that women need to be skinny with big boobs or that men need to be all muscle deserves a shot in the face. I for one, am no perfect 10. We all have parts of ourselves that we like to hide, so here is my advice for dressing for different body types.

Before I get into specific problem areas, let’s go over the typical body shapes. There are the wider shapes, pear shaped, hour glass shaped, or apple shaped. The key for wider shapes is to avoid horizontal stripes at ALL cost. No matter what you say or think, they will give the illusion of being even larger than you are. Go for neutral colors (black is slimming and classic) and keep it simple. On the other hand, there are the longer and slimmer body shapes. If you are long and lean, the goal is to keep it fitted. Oversized clothes will drown your figure and make you look smaller (not in a good way!). Play with shapes and lines to break up the body into fractions.

Now I’ll discuss some common problem areas that people struggle to deal with in regards to their clothing. If you are like me, you like to eat. But the food you eat may not always agree with your body (food baby anyone?). Now if you don’t have the flattest of stomachs, your worst enemy is anything tight fitting, whether it be a physically tight shirt or one that is just a little too stretchy and emphasizing. If you are insecure of your stomach, then cardigans are your best friend. The added layer evens out your body shape and the fabric hangs over the stomach area, acting as the perfect cover up. Cardigans are one of my favourite items because there are literally thousands of different styles to choose from (with or without buttons, fabrics, prints) and if you are willing to look, you are guaranteed to find one that you love. I like cardigans because you can leave them open or closed, and both cleverly disguise the tummy. This cardigan is from the online website Virgin Blak. I love it because it is loose and drapey and it covers up everything while the cinched belted waist allows for some shape.

virgin blak cardigan

Love handles… Broad shoulders… Wide hips… All the same sorts of problems, with similar solutions! Despite what you may think, if you struggle with any of these then the solution is to exaggerate them and even them out with flares, peplums, and shoulder pads. By accentuating the hour-glass shape with clothing, it gives the illusion of an evened out body and a nipped in waist. Have you ever noticed how hour-glass shaped women and fuller figured women look amazing in those dresses with shoulder pads and peplums at the hips? Mmmmmhmmmmm… That’s because the top and the bottom are exaggerated and thus even themselves out. Men who are on the scrawnier side should do the same, but instead of dresses, go for a blazer that is slightly taken in around the waist area and flares out at the bottom. Think of it like one of those judicial scales, you want either side to be equal so there is harmony (or a lack of guilt. whatever)

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Ultimately, what I want to say is that everyone is beautiful and you have to make the best of what you got. You don’t have to go to the gym 5 times a week, because maybe you don’t have the time or the money (or simply the motivation) Love yourself and love your body. Have fun with what you wear, and play with shapes until you get it right. Take risks because the more risks you take, the more confidence you will get.

Stay fabulous
Dakota Continue reading
